Tú eres mi otro yo.
You are my other me.
Si te hago daño a ti, Me hago daño a mí mismo.
If I do harm to you, I do harm to myself.
Sí te amo y respeto, Me amo y respeto yo.
If I love and respect you, I love and respect myself.
In the Mayan tradition is a greeting. It is the law of In Lak'ech Ala K'in, which means I am another yourself (A modern day interpretation). It also means I am you, and you are me (A traditional Mayan interpretation). This is basically a statement of unity and oneness. Every action we take is out of respect for all life, and we are living and giving from our hearts. We cannot act like victims anymore, and we cannot live out of fear either.

I say that we cant depend on others to give us the strength. We can get the support and everything but its up to us to find the strength with in us. We all have it we just need time to find it.
I recently learned this while i was in my English class. I heard it while watching precious knowledge.

While i was watching i was really mad not only because us Mexicans are being stepped on but because we get discriminated so often. i liked how the students stood up for what they believe in and made there voice be heard.
BY THE WAY THIS IS THE SOURCE! Hope you enjoyed :)
Hooray! I'm glad you tracked down the quote! What's the source? Did you compose this yourself? Share this with the class - and be sure to cite sources so no one accuses you of plagiarism. You'd hate for that to happen.